CS Cabal

Toronto-based reading group that meets weekly to read computer science books and papers.

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Conveniently Nonlinear

October 5, 2015

By Scott

Hey Everyone, Thanks for coming out on Friday for a dynamic session, dipping our toes into Chapter 5 of PFPL and the pleasure that is “Dynamics”.

Next week (Friday night at 6:30 at Bento Miso) we will be covering sections 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 and maybe some of us will overlap on some homework problems, who knows! The suggested exercises are 5.3 from the book, hw00.3, hw1.1.1, and hw1.1.2 and for bonus cabal cred hw01 sounds really interesting and Ben will be telling us a bit about it.

I had missed the last two weeks so was trying to catch up on the material and found the discussion quite helpful. Perhaps it’s just the presentation and the Theorem Proof style, but I find I get into a mindset where I stop thinking about the meaning of things and just start churning through trying to do the math. However, in discussion that viewpoint cannot stay :). It was great to hear other’s thoughts and start relating some of the definitions in the text to the programming concepts we want to model and thinking about what problems might arise as we continue to explore things. Also, I really appreciated seeing Ben’s concise proof approach, it’s been so long since I did math proofs, I’d forgotten some things. I was pleasantly relieved that my attempts seem to have some of the right ideas, which I conveniently scattered across the page in a non-linear pattern interspersed with scribbled out notes.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week, Scott