CS Cabal

Toronto-based reading group that meets weekly to read computer science books and papers.

Currently reading: The Little Typer

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Sanguine Moons

September 29, 2015

By Dann

Hello, computer scientist enthusiasts!

This is a special Double Recap, so it’s extra short! We had a great meeting last Friday, and additionally had a second great meeting the week before! We made a glossary of terms, so now when someone says something like “gamma turnstile ex colon tau surfboard ex colon tau” we can all follow along. Which is really something, when you think about it.

This week we’ll be reading sections 5.1 and 5.2, doing book homework problems 5.1 and 5.2, reviewing hw1.1 and hw1.2 from the grad course, possibly discussing sections 2 and 3 of hw00 from the undergrad course, and generally having an amazingly good time. If you’re just tuning in, or trying to get caught up, I’d definitely recommend doing the hw00 undergrad coursework – it’s actually quite fluffy and fun.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing all of your smiling lambdas there, and to the return of our unofficial steganographer Scott, who usually publishes these missives but has been on a surfboard these past long weeks.

Sanguine moons, and happy coding!
