CS Cabal

Toronto-based reading group that meets weekly to read computer science books and papers.

Currently reading: The Little Typer

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August 7th

August 11, 2015

By Dann

Good Tuesday to you!

We had a languorous meeting last Friday, meandering torpidly through BER MetaOCaml and languidly ambling into digressions on modules, functors, lambda calculus extensions, LCM, CSP, CPS, LMS, FFTs, DSLs, and GHC APIs. The room was frowsty and we were all a bit knackered, but we persevered in untangling an entire staged function – proving yet again the old adage “if you need to entertain a group for half an hour, point them at a line of MetaOCaml”.

This coming Friday we’ll be reading “Go Meta!”, a staged programming advocacy paper from this year’s SNAPL. It will be a nice capstone for this metaprogramming arc, linking up a few loose ends and giving a glimpse of new vistas for future exploration. Reading Schedule

There has been discussion of taking a short break later in August, and subsequently diving into PFPL as our next book. Take a quick look at it, leave comments here or in Slack, and we’ll make a final schedule decision this coming Friday. It appears to cover many of the topics we’ve found interesting over the last six months, and ideally we’ll come out of it with a stronger foundation for reading more papers and building interesting things. PFPL Book

Happy coding!
